Tag Archives: chinese black

Cha Cha Tea’s Breakfast Organic+Fair Trade

Brand: Cha Cha Tea’s Breakfast Organic and Fair Trade Tea Rating: 83/100
Steep Time: 5 minutes
Steep Temperature: 212 Degrees

This is a wonderful black tea for breakfast, as the name suggests. Usually, I only drink black tea at night or if I really need a good kick in the morning. I sipped on this tea on a Saturday morning with a hot breakfast, which is paired nicely with. The smell of the tea was intoxicating. It smelled a bit like cocao and scones, so it was sweet and robust all in one. The flavor was so much lighter than the smell of the liquor.The taste  is light and gentle.  I experienced little to no bitterness or tannins in my cuppa, which is good for someone who may forget about their tea by accident(hey, it happens to us all!). The taste is so smooth, that it naturally tastes as if there was creamer or milk already put into the tea. I pick up very little chocolate notes on the tea, but there is a sweetness on the back end of my palette, that is nice and refreshing.
All  in all, I could picture myself drinking this tea as a morning ritual. Due to its lighter black tea attributes, I would also recommend it for someone who is trying to make the switch from coffee to tea.As with most teas, but especially blacks, I would tell you to experiment with tea amounts, by increasing the amount of loose leaves used or the infusion time if you want a more intense flavor, or back off and use less leaves and a shorter steep time for a more subtle cup that won’t overwhelm you at first. For me, I tend to like my teas more intense,thus I usually add more leaves than suggested, but that is completely up to the drinkers discretion!

Cha Cha Tea is a small tea company located in Madison, Wisconsin. She almost exclusively sells organic teas, meaning she supports growers and farmers who farm using organic and natural methods. These methods yield a much healthier and tastier cup of tea! AlsoCha Cha Tea is a small tea company, that focuses on providing small amounts of artisan teas to their customers. I’ve had a wonderful experience with Maleah at Cha Cha Tea and would definitely order from them in the future!

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