Tag Archives: guayusa

Stash Tea Guayusa and Chocolate Tea

Brand: Stash Tea Company Guayusa and Chocolate Tea
Tea Rating: 84/100
Steep Time: 5-7 minutes
Steep Temperature: 212 Degrees
Price: 100 g  for $8.25

This is an herbal tisane tea and the very first time I had ever heard of guayusa,or tasted it. The dry tea gives off very intense aroma of cocoa with a lighter scent of earthiness. I used 1 tablespoon to steep this tea, and I steeped it for about 6 minutes. The company recommends to steep the tea for 4-7 minutes, with boiling water for a ‘darker brew’.
Let’s go and watch the tea steep together…

After steeping and straining the tea into my cup,, the liquid smells of straw, and earth. The brew itself is very dark, which reminded me of a puerh tea. But the liquor color was more brown and less reddish brown, which is common in puerh teas.The cocoa nibs that are found in the dry tea, have melted into the tea liquor, creating a very chocolate-y aroma paired with the straw/earth scent.Shares the slight nuttiness of some of the Japanese greens. This tea is really smooth with a mild cocoa flavor. Guayusa is supposed to pump up your natural energy, like a ‘energy-tea’. Guayusa gave me a very natural energy, with no bad effects, like the shakiness, headaches, and heart palpitations that are associated with high caffeine intake. I did not experience any signs of crashing, and just naturally got naturally tired as the day came to an end, instead of completely crashing or the guayusa keeping me awake for longer than I needed to be. Overall, this is a very interesting herbal tea, and I am excited to try some more out.

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or buy this tea from their website!

All photographs included in this post are property of Melissa Wrzesniewsky and are not to be taken,shared, or used without the artists consent.